This site uses profiling cookies (also of third parties) to provide navigation and advertising in line with your preferences. If you want to know more or refuse consent to all or some cookies , click here. If you access any element underlying this banner you consent to the use of cookies

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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is intended to describe the handling of personal data of users/visitors who access this site.  

It is a disclaimer, pursuant to Art. 13 2016/679-GDPR of the EU regulation on the protection of personal data, for those who visit the website and use its web services, starting from the address  

This disclaimer is provided only for the websites mentioned above and not to any other third-party web sites possibly accessed via specifics links found on the FDL website.

This website is owned and operated by FDL Studio legale e tributario (hereinafter "FDL" or "the Holder"), located in Piazza Borromeo, 12 - 20123 Milano, T +39 F +39 FDL ensures full compliance with the law regarding the protection of personal data (GDPR) in its capacity as holder of said personal data.



Below are a number of definitions in order to help you understand the information provided on the processing of personal data.  

Data Controller



Pursuant to Art. 4, paragraph 7, of the EU regulation 2016/679 – GDPR, a data controller is "any natural or legal person, public authority, agency or any other body which individually or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data". In connection with this web site, the Data Controller is: FDL

Data Processor



Pursuant to Art. 4, paragraph 8, of the EU regulation 2016/679 – GDPR, the data processor is "any natural or legal person, public authority, agency or any other body which processes personal data on behalf of the data controller".

Place of data processing



The place of personal data processing means the place where the personal data generated by the use of the website is processed. The place where personal data will be processed is the business premises of FDL, located in Piazza Borromeo 12, Milan, 20123. If necessary, the data connected with the web service may be processed by the controller or other subjects entrusted for this purpose at their respective places of business.



The scope of this website disclaimer is:

  1. To provide indications on the modality, timing and nature of the information that the Controller must provide to users when they link to the FDL web page, independently of the purpose of the link itself, according to the Italian and European legislation on this matter;
  2. To verify the proper functioning of the site, including for security purposes;
  3. To provide feedback to the user about FDL and its areas of activity, the professionals who work there and who have agreed to the inclusion of their personal information FDL website’s platform, to inform users through the section "Network" and "Media", and to ensure the correct storage of the law firm’s contacts;
  4. To provide for the possibility of re-contacting the user after the submission by the user of voluntary and spontaneous requests via the email address provided by the website or via telephone or fax.

Should FDL intend to further process any personal data for purposes other than those for which they were collected, it will provide all the necessary information to the person concerned beforehand, and will ask for his/her consent where required.



The personal data collected from the website is processed for the above-listed purposes in order to provide a service regarding the modality, timing and nature of the data processed when the website is accessed, as well as to verify the proper functioning of the website, for security reasons and to provide information regarding the firm and its activities. In such cases, personal data will be processed according to the legitimate interests of the Data Controller. Personal data contained in requests spontaneously sent by visitors to the FDL website will be used to re-contact visitors solely to provide any services they may request.

At the time of first contact with the user, FDL will provide more detailed and specific information about the processing of personal data.



Pursuant to Art. 4, paragraph 2, GDPR, 'process’ means "any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction".  

Like all web sites, this site uses log files in which information collected is stored automatically when visitors consult the FDL website. The information collected may include the following:

-the internet protocol (IP) address;

-browser type and device settings used to connect to the site;

-name of the internet service provider (ISP);

-date and time of visit;

-web pages from which the visitor arrived (referral) and departed;

-possibly, the number of clicks.  

Personal data is processed using manual and computer technologies, and its use is strictly related to the purposes for which it was acquired and in any case in such a way as to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data collected. For safety reasons (spam filters, firewalls, virus detection), data automatically collected may include personal data such as IP addresses, which may be used, in accordance with applicable law, for purposes of blocking attempts to damage the website or to harm other users, or to block other activities which are harmful or constitute an offence. Any data collected is never used for identification or user profiling, but rather solely to protect the website and its users; such information will be processed according to the legitimate interests of the Data Controller. The collection of personal data is limited to the minimum necessary for the specific processing purposes. The processing of personal data is limited to the purposes for which it was collected. Storage of personal data is limited to the minimum necessary for the specific processing purposes. Personal information is not made available to third parties, nor is personal information sold or rented to third parties.



1 - What are cookies?

Cookies are small strings of text that are used to store certain information that may apply to the user, his/her preferences or device (computer, tablet or mobile phone) and are primarily used to adjust the operation of the site to user's expectations, providing a more personalized browsing experience and remembering users’ previously-made choices. A cookie is a reduced set of data transferred to the user’s browser from a web server, and can only be read by the server that made the transfer. It is not an executable code, and does not transmit viruses. Cookies do not store any personal information and any personally identifiable information is not stored. By accessing any of the items below the banner on the home page of the FDL website, users expressly agree to the FDL’s use of Cookies.  

FDL uses the following types of cookies:

  • Strictly necessary cookies. These are fundamental to the operation of our site. They include, for example, those that allow users to access the secure areas of the website, to use the shopping cart or email billing services.  
  • Performance analysis cookies. This type of cookie helps to recognize and keep track of the number of visitors and to verify how they move through the site when it is visited. This control allows a better operation of the site, for example by allowing users to easily find what they are looking for.  
  • Functional analysis cookies. These are used to recognize users when they return to our site. They facilitate the customization of our content based on user taste, by storing users’ previous preferences (for example the language chosen for navigation or geographic location).  
  • Targeting cookies (or advertising). These cookies record user visits to the site, the pages users visit and the links that users have followed. This information is used to make the FDL website and any advertisements that may appear as close as possible to user interests. To that end, we may also share this information with third parties.

The chart below provides further information about each type of cookie used and the purposes for which FDL utilizes them:





analysis cookies


This type of cookie allows users to be recognized when they return to our site. It stores very limited information on navigation (IP, browser, last access)


analysis cookies


This cookie keeps track of the acceptance of the European law on cookies.

Performance analysis Cookies


This cookie provides an estimatation of the number of visitors to the site and their the usage patterns. It is a third party cookie operated by Google, you can view the terms of its use here


Please note: FDL Studio legale e tributario disclaims any liability in connection with the use of third party cookies (including, for example, advertising networks and external service providers, such as internet traffic analysis services), over which our firm has no control. For more information about these cookies and to provide or deny consent to their use, please click on the links in the table above.  

Please also note that it is possible to block cookies with the browser settings function, which allows users to refuse all or certain cookies. However if all cookies were blocked (including those which are strictly necessary), it could become impossible to access all or part of the content on the FDL website.

All cookies managed by the FDL website are automatically deleted after 1 day.

Social Network Plugin

This website may also incorporate social networks plugins and/or buttons, in order to allow easy sharing of content via social networks.

These plugins are programmed so as not to set any cookies when accessing the page, in order to safeguard the privacy of users. Cookies may be set, if provided for by the social network, only when the user makes effective and voluntary use of the plugin. Please note that if the user browses while logged into the social network, then he or she has already consented to the use of cookies conveyed through this site at the time of registration to the social network.


The collection and use of the information obtained by means of these plugins are governed by the respective privacy policies of the social networks, to which reference is made and which may may be accessed as follows:







In addition to the collection of data regarding navigation as specified above, visitors to the FDL  website may also provide personal data by spontaneously sending requests to FDL, either via the website or via the platform LinkedIn. Please note that failure to provide personal data may render it impossible to obtain the services requested. The provision of personal data for these purposes is therefore entirely optional and will not affect the use of other services guaranteed by the Data Controller with regard to the navigation of the FDL website.  



Data collected from users and visitors of the Data Controller’s website is used solely for activities strictly connected and instrumental to the website. User personal data may be communicated and processed by Data Controller’s employees, acting as authorized individuals/trustees, within their respective functions and in accordance with the instructions issued by the Data Controller. In some cases, data may be accessed by external parties (such as third party technical service providers, mail carriers, hosting providers, IT companies) acting on behalf of the Data Controller, duly appointed, if necessary, as Data Processor pursuant to Art. 28 of the GDPR regarding the protection of personal data. An updated Data Processor list may be requested from the data Controller. Please note that user information will not be disclosed, nor will it in any way be the subject of automated decision making processes, including profiling.



The management and conservation of personal data will take place on the servers - located within the territory of the European Union - the Holder and/or third-party companies appointed and duly appointed as Data Processors. Currently, the server is located at the premises of the Data Controller, as stated above. Data will not be transferred outside the European Union.

In any case, it is understood that the Data Controller, should it become necessary, shall have the right to move the location of its servers to other EU and to non-EU countries. In this case, the Data Controller hereby ensures that any transfer of data outside the EU will be in accordance with the provisions of applicable law, and will enter, if necessary, into agreements that ensure an adequate level of protection and/or will adopt standard contract clauses as provided for by the European Commission.



To ensure compliance with the principles of necessity and proportionality of the processing of personal data, all personal data is processed solely for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes outlined in this privacy policy, and in accordance with the provisions of all applicable laws and regulations.



FDL website users and visitors may exercise their rights towards the Data Controller and/or the Data Processor by contacting the Data Controller in the following fashion: Telephone +39, Fax +39,, e-mail:

In order to ensure the proper exercise of their rights, interested parties must clearly identify themselves. FDL is committed to providing feedback within 30 days and, if unable to comply with these times, to provide reasons for any extension of this term. All answers/feedback will be provided free of charge, except in cases of unfounded (i.e. there is no data regarding the interested applicant) or excessive demands (e.g. repetitive tasks over time) for which users may be charged a fee.  

The interested person may also file a claim with the supervisory authority and may additionally revoke the consent given.

In the event of a personal data breach suffered by FDL, pursuant to Art. 33 of the GDPR the Data Controller shall notify the competent supervisory authorities within 72 hours from the moment they became aware of the breach and shall additionally communicate the event to the individual(s) concerned, except in cases of exclusion provided for under Art. 34, para. 3 of the GDPR.  

The interested individual has the right to obtain indications regarding:

  • the origin of the personal data and the categories of data processed;
  • the purpose and method of processing;
  • the retention period of personal data;
  • the type of logic applied when electronic instruments are used for data processing;
  • the identity of both the Data Controller and the Data Processor of the personal data;
  • the subjects and categories of subjects to whom personal data may be communicated or who may become aware as data processors or persons in charge, including those in third countries;
  • the existence of any profiling processes.

The interested person has the right:

  • to obtain confirmation of the existence of their personal data and to have such data made available in an intelligible form;
  • to have any data duly collected updated, rectified, integrated and/or restricted;
  • to obtain, when requested, the cancellation of any personal data collected and/or stored (the right to be forgotten), the transformation to an anonymous form or the blocking of data processed in violation of the law (including any data for which conservation is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or subsequently processed);
  • to receive certification that the operations referred to above have been brought to the attention of those to whom the data was communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate use of means with respect to the right protected by the firm;
  • to obtain data portability (direct transmission from one data controller to another)
  • to receive copies of the data processed.

The interested party has the right to oppose to the processing of personal data in those cases provided by Art. 21 of the GDPR.



This document constitutes the privacy policy of this website. It may be subject to changes or updates. In the event of relevant changes and updates, these will be marked with appropriate notifications to users.  

This document was updated on 3rd of August 2018 to comply with regulations, and in particular in accordance with the EU regulation 2016/679.



FDL Studio legale e tributario (FDL)